Check in
The standard check in time is after 16:00. No check ins after 22:00 hours (unless proven flight delays). In case you would like an early check in please ask for availability. If any delay on your check in time arises, we ask you to immediately inform us in order to reschedule the check in.
Please bear in mind that we do not have reception, the check in time will be previously agreed between the guest and the manager. So it is very important punctuality. All other clients check ins depend on your punctuality, we will wait a courtesy time of 30 minutes.
It is mandatory the signature of the terms & conditions by the leading person of the group, and the passport registration for local police of all the persons sleeping at the apartment (including minors). Prior to receiving the keys of the apartment
Check out
Check out time is prior to 11:00 am. In case you would like a late check out please ask for availability.
Most of the check outs will not be personal. So we ask you to leave the keys on top of the living room table and close the door of the apartment without locking it. Important do not leave the keys in the locker of the apartment door. In case you also have the parking keys & remote control, we ask you to leave them as well on top of the living room table.
Please do not leave unattended luggage or personal items inside the apartment on your check out day after 11:00am. Otherwise we will have to allocate them in the storage room in order to prepare the apartment for the upcoming guests.
Before check out please, double check that you have thrown all the rubbish into the Street containers, clean all the items used of the kitchen (no need to store them in the cupboard if they are still wet or inside the dishwasher) and empty the fridge (unused food can be left and will be given to charity).
Apartments Usage tips
We are at your disposal at the assistance telephone number 24 hours a day. After 20:00 only emergencies.
Please, help us in keeping our apartments in the best conditions possible, take care of the apartment as if it was your home. Let us know if there is something to fix.
Help us in achieving our environmental compromise. Turn off the lights when leaving the apartment or if they are not necessary, also turn off the climate control if not necessary or windows are open.
The inclusions of the apartments are: set of bed cloth, set of bath towels, hand soap, basic cleaning set, wc paper and kitchen paper.
The kitchen is fully equipped, you will find all you need in the cupboards, the cleaning set you will find it under the sink. At the check out day you must leave all the ítems used clean at the dishwasher or at the sink.
Bear in mind that if you leave the keys in the inside locker of the appartment door it will not be possible to open it from outside.
If you need information of the district (public transportation, spuermarkets, shops, ...) You will find it in the information book.
We would like to thank you for not smoking in the appartments and for respecting the rest of the neighbors.
The check out could be not personal, so thank you for leaving the keys on top of the living room table, cleanning the kitchen, throwing the rubbish and turning off the lights and climate control prior the departure. If you need a taxi we suggest the Company taxi class.
Rules & forbidness
It is strictly forbidden to smoke and/or throw cigarette butts and / or ash throughout the building (including the main door of the buildings). If complaints from neighbors are received, penalties may be deducted from the Security deposit. If you smoke on the terrace or balcony, the use of ashtrays is mandatory for cigarette butts and ash.
It is mandatory to respect the rest of the neighbors, avoiding noises and loud conversations as a general rule. Strict silence is required between 22:00 and 8:00 AM, to ensure the rest of neighbours. The use of balconies and terraces is also forbidden at this time frame. The commons areas, stairs and the elevator are transit pints not meeting points.
Parties are forbidden, it is a matter of immediate termination of the short term rental agreement, full charge of the security deposit and study of further legal claims and economic compensations against the client.
Fully licensed and insured apartments
At Cornellalux we fulfil with all the legal requirements, all our apartments are fully licensed.